Meet the Owner

"My name is Kerry and I started this brand at 18 years old. I am from Mobile, Alabama. After I graduated highschool, I wanted to pursue my passion for designing. I always liked clothing too so I tried out putting my designs on clothes and I liked it. At this time, the only thing I was missing was a brand name. I came up with Traytor from the word traitor because it reminds me how I made many people feel in my life. I never was the type of person to tell people what I was about to do, I wouldn't post about it either. I would always just do it. Some would ask me questions like, 'Kerry why didn't you tell me you were doing this' or 'Wow this is good you should've told me'. I caused them to feel betrayed. It was like I was a traitor. I've always moved in silence. Which is where the idea for my first design and my brand message came from. "

Message behind Traytor

In today's world, many people seek validation from others. At Traytor, we want to change that. We encourage you to betray the narrative by moving in silence. This means pursuing your dreams without worrying about what others think. We hope to inspire you to stay true to yourself and be different than the society around you.

How did Traytor start?

"Honestly, Traytor was randomly thought of.

For a long time I wanted to start a brand but I could never think of a name. I had tried multiple names in the past but they never really stuck with me. None of the names I picked were that good. None of them had meaning to me. Then, one day I thought of a play on words. I was thinking of different brands that were already estabilished and had a play on words. I kept brain storming ideas for my own brand and then I thought of 'Traytor'. I was unsure about this name at first but it just sort of stuck with me."

- Kerry (Owner of Traytor)